Sunday, September 30, 2007


...getting old that is. After years away from the health club, I rejoined, but not happily. You see, my husband (who LOVES exercise) wanted to join the club. It was cheaper to have me rejoin and bring him in as a member than to have him join as a new member. So here I am, the very reluctant exerciser. It's month to month, so I only have to pay for one month and then I can drop out.

The women at the club are mostly young and fit. They arrive wearing make-up and fancy tight fitting workout clothes. I feel like an aged beached whale. Clearly, this is not good for my self esteem. But, I'll do it for a month (I'll be out of town for a week of it). I can't stand wasting the $$$$.

Here's the real depressing part. I've gained about 3 pounds since I've started. Don't tell me it's muscle, it's fat.

Now here's the good part. The locker room is a wonderful place to learn about the new plastic surgeries (there are some we don't want to know about) and what these ladies lives are about (you can't imagine).

Stay posted.....

Friday, September 7, 2007

I'm Back!

It's been a hell of a month or so. Everything was turned upside down. Just wading my way out of a lot of disasters. No sense posting whiny blogs...too boring.

Also, my daughter's barbs have been directed elsewhere. How can I defend myself without an attack????

How weird is it for a mother and daughter to do this sorting out with blogs. In case anyone out there (all 3 readers????) take these hi-tech fisticuffs too seriously, be warned that we start with some truth and run with it. It's just too much fun this way.