Friday, August 10, 2007

I Hope She Takes Her Computer!

My daughter is going away for a week. If she doesn't take her computer, we will have to put these dueling blogs on hold for a week. This is truly an insane way to communicate with your family, but I'm hooked.

Now let's get something straight about hippie parenting. I was too old to be a hippie. Except for the five years I took off from work to try to be a mother, I was a working stiff all day and went to school some nights and summers. I was trying to get more credits to boost my salary. Hippies didn't do that.

Actually, I was jealous. I was a wanna-be...a spectator. I had too many responsibilities. I was just loosey-goosey on weekends and free time.

Yes, I believed that if you couldn't pronounce it, you shouldn't eat it. That kind of got blown away with the Mrs. Gooch's and MM scandal, but that's another chapter.

I have to agree that you did not have a typical upbringing...think about the police digging up yards around the corner from our house looking for dead rabbits. What's a kid supposed to think about that?

I'm truly sorry for the past. I was trying to be different from my parents. I think you are doing a much, much better job than I did...and that's the truth.

Keep it up and stay married.

Our Virtual Family

Check this out:

Thursday, August 9, 2007

My Daughter's Blog

Check out my daughter's blog at:

You'll understand my Mea Culpa if you read her blog about denial. Maybe we should write a book?

Mea Culpa

This is a response to my daughter's blog about DENIAL.

So I sewed clothes and drank jug wine. It was the beach. It was the 70's. Less dangerous than some of the things you did.

Oh, and about the house with the seance, it was up for sale. It was a beautiful house. I just should have had it exorcised.

What you forgot to mention is that in that tony little neighborhood our neighbors were worthy of a book or two. On one side lived a black woman (probably the only black in our town) running a house of prostitution and on the other side was a raging communist whose husband died in the Spanish Civil War.

Beat the house before that where our neighbor was a convicted murderer who left his country to escape jail. Odd thing about it all....they were all wonderful neighbors.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Life and Death

Death---too many life and death issues for too many people I know these past two weeks. Life is unfair, but not to me. My husband played Russian Roulette (not with a gun) with his life and and got lucky. He's still here.

Life---Meet my grandkids. Thing One will hereafter referred to as TWMLE (The World's Most Lovable Extortionist) and Thing Two hereafter known as MM (Mystery Man). They are life.

More to follow....

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

First Blog of an Aging Mother/Grandmother

This blog is in response to my daughter's blog. It seems that we are truly a virtual family. Apparently, I'm amusing. I always thought I was grumpy. So here goes the beginning of my rebuttals. This could be quite a ride.